color balance control panel 彩色平衡控制盘
color balance program 颜色平衡程式
color balance sample 颜色平衡样本
color balance control 彩色平衡调整 ; 彩色平衡控制
color balance ajustment 颜色平衡调节
auto color balance 自动色彩平衡
Boris Color Balance 颜色平衡
Light Color Balance 色平衡 ; 浅色色平衡
Experimental results show that, on a large number of natural images set, the method has better color balance effect and better computational efficiency.
参考来源 - 基于Raw格式图像的自动白平衡方法In skin color segmentation, a color balance technique is used to remove the color bias produced by light condition. Meanwhile, a new skin model (H_SI_I skin model) which has the robustness for variety of brightness is built.
参考来源 - 彩色图像中复杂背景下的人脸检测·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
For the skin, a Levels and a color Balance to add subtle color enhancement.
Then I adjust contrast and Temperature with levels, curves and color balance.
In the second scene there was little to modify other than some color balance, levels and desaturation.